Monday, January 27, 2014

#2 Understanding: How This Affects the Children

The article I chose to write my first blog on deals with the way societies view on gender nonconforming children has changed within recent years.  The article points out that years ago, children who differed from usual gender norms were often told to conceal it by those around them, including their parents.  However, lately parents are becoming much more open-minded on the topic, and letting their children express themselves however they want.  This article presented the case of 3 ½ year-old Henry, who often chose to play with princess Barbie’s and wear princess costumes as opposed to playing with trucks and dressing like a ninja or a soldier.  His parents openly supported, and encouraged his decisions.  The only concern from Henry’s parents, and all other parents presented throughout this article, was how others would treat their children. Their fellow peers, and even adults often ridiculed these children for the way they chose to express themselves. Parents of children like Henry want people to become more open-minded and learn to not judge them on the littlest things such as what they choose to wear and what toys they choose to play with.

At what point in society did we make the decision that boys and girls must act a certain way based on their genders? In todays day and age we seem to be a more accepting society, however gender norms seems to be something we just cant get rid of. We see examples of children going against gender norms in the media such as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s daughter, Shiloh, who often is seen sporting boy’s clothes. Shiloh’s style seems to be welcomed with open arms by the public, which shows a surprising fact. The public seems to be more accepting of girls sporting boy’s clothes, than boys wearing girl’s clothes.  Why is it that if we see a little girl wearing a superman costume people often comment about ‘girl power’, however if a little boy is seen wearing a princess costume, the comments are not quite as positive? Gender norms are a concept that has been drilled into our minds for our entire lives, and is not going to be easy to erase.  What we have to do as a community Is think about the long-term effects of these children having to suppress who they are out of fear of what others will think. Hopefully, once people see what they are doing to these children, we can begin to make strides to make a more accepting environment for kids.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

#1: Gender Development

I chose the topic of gender development because I have always been interested in the concept of gender roles.  In our society there is a notion that boys and girls should act a certain way, and be interested in certain topics based on their gender. I am interested in finding what makes people believe this and how this concept effects children as they grow up. I am excited to learn more about this topic, and see how society has impacted it.