Monday, February 3, 2014

#3: Gender Roles in the Media

This video explains how gender stereotypes are enforced through the media, specifically through commercials.  The video shows how even the most innocent of products such as soda, are unnecessarily gender specific.  Children growing up in this society, which relies so much on technology, see these commercials and it becomes engrained in them that this is how they are supposed to act. Many of these commercials even put down people for acting outside of their gender norms. However, the video does point out how things seem to be changing when it comes to gender roles in commercials.  It seems as if companies are making more of an effort to add diversity to their advertisements. Hopefully, this is a trend that will continue going forward, and will help children feel more comfortable expressing themselves as they truly are.


When children watch these commercials they get the idea that it is wrong for them to act any differently than society wants them too.  These commercials once again show how hard these stereotypes are on males especially.  Many of these commercials call guys out for being ‘too girly’ for what they drink or what they wear. When kids see people being put down for acting differently, they are going to think that they have to hide their true self.  Teaching children at such a young age to conceal who they are will only make things much harder for them as they grow up. Companies need to realize the influence they have on young children, and start making advertisements that wont make children feel ashamed about who they are. Some companies seem to be changing their commercials to show all different kinds of lifestyles and personalities, and hopefully this is a trend that will continue.  Kids need to know that they will always be accepted for who they are, unfortunately, commercials these days are not portraying this message but hopefully that will be a trend that will end soon.

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