Monday, February 24, 2014

#5: Gender Roles Around the World

The article I chose to right my blog on differs from the previous articles I have written about because it speaks about a society that has embraced gender equality and is working to rid itself of gender roles.  Sweden has always been an advocate for gender equality and is now trying to start this equality off at a young age.  Top-Toy, which is a private toy company, has decided to drop all gender roles in Swedish Toys ‘R’ Us catalogs and stores. Toy catalogs in Sweden now depict boys helping girls doing their hair, and children dressed up as Spiderman taking care of a baby doll.  Sweden is also furthering their fight against gender roles by adding men to previously all-female staffs at pre-schools, and having teachers use gender-neutral pronouns when referring to their students.  Sweden had received backlash from various media outlets claiming that Sweden was “turning boys into girls.” This however has not affected Sweden’s approach to gender roles as they continue to try to rid their society of gender stereotypes.

I really enjoyed reading this article and I though it was very interesting because it showed how ridding our society of gender roles is completely possible. Making such a simple change as showing children playing with a variety of toys in catalogs could make a world of difference.  This gets rid of the harsh divide that is portrayed between boys and girls. This change will show children acceptance, and that no matter what they choose to do its okay, and they will not be weird or different because of it. I think the actions made by Sweden are a huge step forward in gender equality.  Even though there was some backlash to these changes, it seems as though the praise for Sweden silenced those opposed to it.  This shows that the changing of gender roles is not as much of a problem that it is often made out to be.  I believe that America needs to take the leap that Sweden has and I think they will be pleasantly surprised at the impact it will have.  All we need to do is make a simple change to the way we advertise products and we could be changing the lives of thousands of children.

1 comment:

  1. I think that what Sweden is doing is very refreshing. I hope more countries like the US start doing this. Making the difference between gender roles less defined more common will hopefully lead to a widespread change for the better. 2
