Monday, March 3, 2014

#6: Lets Change the Story

This article gets its inspiration from a video created by the Representation Project, which is committed to advancing the discussion about how gender limits the freedom of both men and women. The article focuses on the effects of pushing gender roles from the moment a child is born. Stereotypes about how to dress, how to act, what to play with, and how to show emotions puts children in a box that gives them very little lee way to become their own person. This also discusses the very popular belief that the media enforces these stereotypes.  This also points out the effect media has on young boys which is a side of the argument that is often forgotten about. Things such as violent video games and advertisements featuring rugged and manly men give these young boys the message that masculinity and power is everything. Media is also portraying the idea to girls that they must be delicate and dainty and know their place in society. These are all things that the Representation Project it trying to combat so we can soon see a change in our world that children so desperately need. 

It seems as if the portrayal of gender roles in the media has completely overshadowed anyone’s individual fight against these stereotypes.  As much as parents may try to stay away from gender norms, their children are going to be exposed to them very early on in their lives through the media. Unfortunately, what kids see in the media may have a bigger impact on them then what is being told to them at home because what is seen on TV is often seen as being ‘cool’ or ‘in’.  This article stresses a very important fact, which is that everyone needs to raise their voice, whether they are man or women, young or old, against gender norms. This article shares a very similar message as the TED talk we watched a couple of weeks ago.  We need to not only focus on the impact that the media has on young girls, but also young boys.  It is just as hard for young boys to watch TV and feel like they must always be strong and masculine and powerful as it is for girls to be portrayed as objects.  As its stated in the article, we need to show men how the fight for equality effects them as well. There is a video attached to the article that is really worth taking a look at and further explains the need to “rewrite the story.”

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