Monday, April 14, 2014

#11: Revised Summary/Plan/Update

While forming my survey I stuck with my plan that I spoke about in my previous post about finding out what scenarios people find acceptable when it comes to children breaking gender norms. I tried to make the scenarios in my survey as general as possible as to not sway anyone’s opinions while answering the questions.  I sent the survey out to people with a wide variety of ages in order to see the difference between generations and their opinions on gender norms.  Although I have not gotten all of my responses back, and am planning to send my survey out to more people, the few that I have received back have so far followed what I expected.  Based on the research I did prior to starting my survey, the responses that I am getting are correlating with people’s gender and age. I am hoping once I am finished I will be able to see the difference in opinions between different ages and genders.  I am also hoping to be able to see if people have a threshold for what they find acceptable within a gender.  I am excited to continue to get responses to my survey and see if these answers will reflect my hypothesis.

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